So sometimes I randomly pull out this old tweety bird box from my closet. It is my most prized possesion. Why you may ask.... because it's where i keep my journals from my entire life.. I wish that I could put all of what i am feeling right now into this blog post, but it would probably take the ENTIRE night to do so. So i will do what i can beware my mind is going to wander and reminisce... AND GO!
I had the best high school experiences ever. PERIOD. i was involved in school had the BEST friends and liked the MOST boys i think anyone has ever liked... i crushed on guys like crazy... and i DO NOT REGRET IT!!! moving has made me realize just how much i love my home, my family and my friends. tonight this is focusing on my friends. i really have the funniest friends. Trista-hilarious because she's Miss America and proper-she keeps me in line
Vannessa- i have to admit i just like making her laugh cause it makes me laugh. but seriously she is hilarious too in her own special way-especially the way she says things and yeah you just have to know her....
Jessica-i wrote in my journal that she does a crazy spanking dance... ask her to do it for you... you might die.
Ashlee- even though i rarely talk to her she makes a lot of silly noises and faces and is very blonde....
anyways.... my junior year was the best ever. well maybe senior year its hard to tell. either way
in my box of reminiscing is a song i started writing.. oh boy.. before graduating... here we go
i wanted to write about friendship, but nothing comes to mind
except memories and laughter that are too great to fill these lines.
They're better left as thoughts than in a letter to say
how much i'll miss good times and crazy nights
even bad things too cause all of them brought us together
pink pythongs livin true!
of course recently there was spring break in st george
and further back our unforgettable summer with boys we now hate
we danced so many nights away
whether at homecoming, out on the streets
or del taco parking lots....
and thats all i have.... cause i quit hahha...
I don't even know where to begin. i'm stuck so i'm going to do this writing thing i used to do in english class. you pick a word and then let your mind do the rest... and go...
the word is...ok i've sat here for like 5 minutes and can't think of a word haha i'm so lame.
but it used to be my favorite thing to do.
moving on.
in high school i had a best friend named pasha.
she came to life and made my life complete.
she made vannessa pee her pants.
she basically was the life of the party.
the end.
some of the things i remember loving about being in high school. i could be the most random person and no one cared. it was the best thing ever. i got to know so many people
my friends were probably pretty embarassed of me. here are the reasons why...
i loved to pay in change haha
i was completely boy crazy and would point out cute ones wherever we went.
i always wanted to go and talk to the cute ones.
i had a new crush like every week/day.. maybe a few in the same day...
i would turn into pasha quite often
i didn't care what people thought about me
i did what i wanted i'm serious
i dance pretty crazy(imagine pasha saying that)
well i really need to go to bed... more reminiscing to come tomorrow. maybe...