
Oh normal civilazation...

Today was AMAZING!!!! I got to spend ALL day with Bradley! bah those are my favorites.... It started off early... I had to wake up at 7 which is VERY VERY hard for me... but i did it. and we drove the hour and a half to go to the temple. I love the temple. I love the peace and spirit that I feel there. I love thinking about my wedding day. I just love everything. After the temple we went to a spring training game between the rockies and diamondbacks. The stadium was brand new and the first ever built on Indian land. interesting. I love baseball games. the smells, the crowd (except the crazy lady that sat next to us), the food, the GRASS!!! haha but most of alll... it reminds me of the million games that we have gone to at good old franklin covey field(now spring ballpark) back in the SLC supporting our Bees. The game was fun... the rockies won.. booooo... we got some food and then dessert at a place called the sugarbowl. SO CUTE!!! seriously... everything was pink.... and there were hearts everywhere. It was so 1950's and hasn't been updated since. gotta love that diner charm... Then we hit up costco... nordstrom rack... and deseret book. I love deseret book. ha I love the convenience of normal civilazation. We will live in some suburb of phoenix one day. I'm crossing my fingers anyways! :) LIFE IS GREAT. I don't know what's changed, but i feel much better about life... I know that will probably change this summer, but for now i'm lovin it!

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